The vascular laser selectively targets blood vessels that become undesirable or abnormally visible on the skin, while minimizing the damage around the vessel. Thanks to the great progress made in laser technology in the past 20 years, many skin conditions can be treated easily and painlessly. Laser capillary treatment with state-of-the-art devices is very safe and effective when applied by professionally trained personnel. Multiple treatments are often required to achieve the best results in laser treatment.
Vascular Laser Types
Vascular laser technology has made significant progress over the past few decades. Spider veins rose disease, capillaries in the leg, blue and red capillaries on the face, wrinkles, and spots on the face are treated with vascular laser.
Many different types of lasers and combinations can be used to treat many skin conditions, including vascular lesions. The most common of these is the Nd Oil laser. Nd Fat laser capillary treatment creates visible results.
What conditions can be treated with vascular laser?
Vascular lasers can be used to treat the following conditions:
- Port-wine stain birthmarks
- Cracked capillaries
- Redness in the face and neck
- Rosacea
- Spider veins
- Cherry angiomas
- Inflammatory hemangiomas
- Venous lakes
- Some fractured leg veins
- Early traces
- Red cracks
- Warts
- Acne scars
Capillaries that expand on the face and in other parts of the body, especially the legs, become visible on the surface of the skin. These problems, called vascular dilation or cracking, are treated with vascular lasers and the person gets rid of the uncomfortable image. Laser capillary fracture treatment on the face is applied painlessly and the person can move on with his life after treatment.